Monday, January 11, 2016

Finally!! Politicians Start Talking About How To Treat Addiction

When Betty Ford was the nation’s first lady, no one knew of her addictions to opiate pain medications and alcohol.  It really wasn’t until after she left the White House that her problem with addiction came out.  Mrs. Ford was one of the first people in the political arena to start a campaign on getting people treatment rather than just throw them in jail. 

Last week in New Hampshire, Presidential candidate Carly Fiorina talked about her step daughters addiction and eventual death due to addiction.  She said that there used to be hope and potential in her daughter’s eyes.  That was until addiction started taking over her life and she was thrown in jail time and time again.  Mrs. Fiorina spoke at a conference on addiction in New Hampshire and said that every time Lori was let out of jail she seemed to sink deeper into the abyss of substance abuse. 

She was speaking about criminalizing addiction.  She talked about why addiction should be treated instead of just thrown into the criminal courts.  Addicts and alcoholics need help, not jail.  Now we do understand that some people don’t take the help that is offered and they continually break the law and are a detriment to society.  But to not give these people a chance at recovery is a crime in itself. 

It is nice to see that figure heads in this country are beginning to open their eyes to addiction and the best way to help.  We have more people in jails and prisons than any country in the world.  The vast majority of these people are there, either directly or indirectly, for addictions.  In our state finding a Pennsylvania drug rehab can be a difficult proposition sometimes.  With the ever changing insurance laws to finding an open bed, people can feel like they are banging their head against a wall.  Please call Clearbrook and we will help you.  If for some reason we cannot take the patient here, we will make sure they get the help they need.

Clearbrook does not endorse any political candidate.  We primarily wanted to point out that finally the people in Washington DC are talking about it.

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